
batched data

When we talk about data we mean numbers organized in arrays, for example representing vectors, matrices, tensors, … Generally, streaming data arrives one datum at a time and each datum in such a data stream is assumed to be of the same type and shape. When we talk about batched data, we mean a stream of data arriving in chunks, also called mini-batches. For example, if a data stream provides 3-dimensional position vectors of shape (3,) a batched stream would provide groups of shape (batch_size, 3) of multiple such vectors at once. The batch dimension is always assumed to be the first. All remaining dimensions are referred to as data dimensions.

double-pass, two-pass

A double-pass or two-pass streaming algorithm is one that consumes a stream of data exactly twice. Such algorithms assume that the stream of data is finite and require to restart the stream and revisit data samples that were already seen before in the first pass. We do not use the terminology in the strictest way, when dealing with batched streaming data. Here two-pass still means that the stream is consumed only twice. However, as we are processing batches/chunks of data at once, we allow multi-pass algorithms with more than two passes per batch. That way each data sample can be used more than twice during the algorithm, but the batch containing it is only processed twice.

multi-pass, many-pass

A multi-pass or many-pass streaming algorithm is one that consumes a stream of data multiple times. Such algorithms assume that the stream of data is finite and require to restart the stream (one or several times) and revisit data samples that were already seen before in previous passes.

singe-pass, one-pass

A single-pass or one-pass streaming algorithm is one that consumes a stream of data exactly once. Such algorithms do not require to restart the stream at any time and do not revisited data samples that were already seen earlier. We do not use the terminology in the strictest way, when dealing with batched streaming data. Here one-pass still means that the stream is consumed only once. However, as we are processing batches/chunks of data at once, we allow multi-pass algorithms per batch. That way each data sample can be used multiple times during the algorithm, but the batch containing it is only processed once.

streaming data

Streaming data refers to any kind of data that is not available at once and must therefore be processed on-the-fly. There can be many reasons for this, the two most common being that

1) the date is generated in real time (for example time-series measurements in an experimental setup) and is really simply not available at once.

2) the amount of data is too large to be stored in memory and thus has to be processed in a streaming way due to hardware limitations.